Prayer for the hardest times

Although we all face challenges, some situations in life are more extreme than others. When you’re at your limit–and life seems like it’s falling apart–it is very hard to keep the faith.

But don’t give up. Even though you might not see it now, God is still with you. Jesus has not abandoned you.

Remember, God can make a miracle. So pray for it. Also, he can send people to help you. So ask for help too.

Dig deep into your faith. Don’t be afraid. Trust in the Lord to deliver you!

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Prayer for the hardest times

Audio message about this prayer from Vincent:

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Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?”

John 17:25-26

For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe in him, but also to suffer for him,

Philippians 1:29

Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and to know that you are the Holy One of God.”

John 6:68-69

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O merciful Lord,

Only you truly know how hard life is for me. Only you know how much I hurt. Where can I go but to you?

The pain is so deep, I can hardly bear it. Only Christ on the cross helps me understand.

And so, I hold on tight to my Lord. I offer my wounded heart wide open to your mercy. Only my soul fully knows how much faith means to me now.

I seek heavenly justice, and I receive the peace that only a handful will know, a deep intimacy with Christ granted to those that suffer deeply, as I do. As he did.

So despite the pain, betrayal, and injustice—I will believe.

Despite the hurt, my trust in God is unshakable.

And beyond my earthly limits, I am free & at peace, in Christ, my Resurrection, my Life.

In Jesus name,


Prayer of praise to the Lord

We tend to praise God when things are going good, and that’s great. But what about when things aren’t going so good? What about when you struggle or when your back is against the wall? Can you praise God in those moments?

Throughout the Scriptures, we find this kind of action — praising God during times of danger and difficulty. This is a great spiritual secret. When we praise the Lord in tough situations, he delivers big time. He sets us free of the negativity that haunts us.

So rise up with Jesus. Be transformed in your thanks and praise to God Almighty.

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Prayer of praise to the Lord

Audio message about this prayer from Vincent:

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Because thy steadfast love is better than life,
my lips will praise thee.
So I will bless thee as long as I live;
I will lift up my hands and call on thy name.

Psalm 63:3-4

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O merciful Lord,

When nobody could reach me, You were there.

When my life was a wreck, You lifted me up.

When I was tormented & hurt, You set me free.

No love is greater than the love of my Lord. His wisdom sings freedom to my heart and soul. The blood of Christ cleanses me of my shame and my sin.

So I will praise His holy name. My praise is heartfelt & strong. I will not hold back my joy.

I lift up my arms & voice to say: You are love and life. You are truth and justice. You are mercy and grace. And nothing can separate me from your love.

You are my Savior, my Lord. So I cry out: Praise the Lord! Praise his great & holy name!

Glory Hallelujah! In Christ, my soul flies free!

In Jesus name,


Prayer to open your heart

When you open your heart to someone, you take a risk. You could get hurt, right?

But if you keep your heart closed,  what happens? It gets cold and hard.

There is one place where you can open your heart without risk — in the presence of God. The Lord is pure health and goodness. He will never condemn anyone who seeks his mercy and love.

Jesus makes your heart strong and healthy. Go to him. Open your heart. Then have the courage to go out into the world to feel again and to love more.

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Prayer to open your heart

Audio message and prayer from Vincent:

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I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.

Ezekiel 36:26

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O blessed Lord,

I carry my wounds deep inside. Can I hide them even from you? How long will I hurt? How lonely is my heart?

Help me, O Lord, to trust you. You gave me Jesus, your only Son. Innocent. Faithful. Pure. What further proof do I need? The love of God has no limit.

In the wounds of Christ I am safe and secure. Nothing in my heart, nothing in my past, no amount of shame or sorrow can extinguish the mercy of God. You show me tenderly your great care for me.

So let me open up my heart in that place of sacred trust & safety. In Jesus, there is no condemnation. By the blood of Christ I am free.

May your grace rush in, O Lord. Make me whole and healthy, to trust more, to love more. As I am loved beyond all measure.

In Jesus name I pray,


Prayer to pray more

Never underestimate the importance of prayer. Prayer puts you into direct contact and communion with God.

Some people struggle to have a consistent prayer life, but stick to it. It’s worth it. The benefits are realized in your everyday life and your interior life.

God loves it when you pray to him! Jesus knew this, and he needed this.

Discover why a life of prayer is so wonderful. Put in the time and effort. You won’t be sorry. Instead, you will be full of joy.

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Prayer to pray more

Audio message about this prayer from Vincent:

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Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.

Mark 1:35

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O merciful Lord,

I seek your presence. Here I am. Speak to me. Grant me your grace. Pour out your Spirit over me.

O loving Lord, give me the desire and will to pray more. Break down the barriers in my heart that tell me I don’t need you.

Instead, show me again how your love nourishes me. You bring me peace, and your Spirit gives me clarity. Guide and teach me, O Lord, to be faithful in my prayer life.

Place in my heart the deep desire to seek the presence of God. Let me be like Jesus, who needed his Father. Lead me to a secret place to pray. There you reveal your truths. Show me your mysteries.

Plant your love into my heart. In prayer, may I be transformed to be more like Christ, my Lord.

In Jesus name,


Prayer for true freedom

We all want freedom, don’t we?

Yes, we must defend our earthly freedom and rights, but no person, government, or life situation can set your soul free.

Once you find true freedom, what will you do with it?

Freedom is fully expressed in actions and attitudes. If you keep your freedom all for yourself, you become a slave to selfishness. If you share it, many more will be set free.

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Prayer for true freedom

Audio message and prayer from Vincent:

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Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.

John 8:32

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O blessed Lord,

Every soul wants to be free, but lies and chains try to tie me down. What can I do?

Spirit of God, tell it to me again in the soft whisper of your Word. I am forgiven. I am loved. Sin & death defeated, I am free by the blood Christ.

Show me what it means then to be free. What shall I do? Show me Lord that in Christ I am free to give, serve and love more.

Jesus gives me courage & clarity. Christ brings me hope & peace. He restores the lost & lonely.

I will fight in the name of my Lord with justice, mercy & love. I fight freely, joyously. I proclaim your holy name.

The battle will be waged in prayer, the conquest of my soul complete. All victory leads me back to God.

I am free forever more!

In Jesus name,
