Prayer for an important conversation

Do you have to talk to someone soon about something important? If so, make sure you go into the conversation prepared.

Talk to God about the situation first. Let him show you where you might be mistaken in your thoughts or attitude. Also, let his Spirit strengthen you in places where you need to stand firm.

Even when you have to place a limit or stand up for yourself, it should be in a spirit of service and love. Seek the Lord to show you how this can be done. Ask him to reveal his ways to you.

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Prayer for an important conversation

Audio message and prayer from Vincent:

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And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth; we have beheld his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father.

John 1:14

And the Lord will guide you continually,
and satisfy your desire with good things,
and make your bones strong;
and you shall be like a watered garden,
like a spring of water,
whose waters fail not.

Isaiah 58:11

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O merciful Lord,

I know I have to face it. I know we must talk, but first, O Lord, prepare me.

Set me free, heal me. Bring me to the place where I am at peace with myself and with my God.

Cast out, O Lord, any anger, fear or resentment. Free me of any temptation to control or manipulate.

Fill me with the desire to only seek your holy will.

Make my convictions firm, O Lord, without self-interest, without needing to prove a point.

Instead, may my words be saturated with the grace of Almighty God.

Help me to genuinely listen and to humbly serve, as my Lord Jesus served.

Send us your Holy Spirit, O Lord. Prepare our hearts and  minds.

I place all my trust in you.

In Jesus name I pray,


5 thoughts on “Prayer for an important conversation

  1. Please give Heather the wisdom to understand what her father is relating to her. Keep all resentment and ill feelings away. Allow me to be more open to her needs and feelings. Amen

  2. Please pray that Gustavo and I commit to each other and build a life together. Help heal , bring trust and open/ honest communication and allow us to share our lives together. Help us be United in love and help us to make a family together . Bring prosperity / peace and love into our lives. May we grow old and take care of each other always and forever

    • Pour out your mercy O Lord… bring healing and forgiveness… may your grace work in Leena and her boyfriend’s hearts…

      I am praying for you Leena. God’s grace and blessings to you!

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