Prayer in times of doubt

Wouldn’t it be great to be 100% sure of all your decisions? Well, maybe not. You see, our doubts, fears and needs lead us to seek God. So when you doubt, it can be a good thing since it means you need God to help you to be sure.

When you are doubting, return to the things you can be sure about then move forward from there. A stable spiritual life makes decision making and discernment easier. The hard decisions will always be hard. But when you know, without a doubt, that God loves you, then your perspective changes. Big scary problems shrink, and the clouds of uncertainty begin to float away.

Don’t get obsessed with getting a concrete answer from God. Instead, focus on asking to understand his will and how he wants you to grow as a person.

Pray for God’s answers. Seek his will. Search in his Word for guidance. But remember, beyond your current situation, he has already given you the most important answer of all. Jesus.

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Prayer in times of doubt

Audio message and prayer from Vincent:

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Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.

Deuteronomy 31:6

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;
I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.

Psalm 32:8

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O blessed Lord,

Sometimes I’m not sure If the decisions I make are right. I doubt and worry.

Show me, O Lord, the way. Let me understand that it’s okay to be unsure, that it’s normal and human.

Reveal to me again where I can be certain. Show me the place where my doubts disappear.

In the Resurrection may I find truth and security. In knowing God exists and knowing he loves me.

Make my trust in you unshakable.

Even though it may be hard, and my decisions might be wrong, let my heart and soul know you will never leave me.

May I seek you in prayer to receive the answers you want me to hear.

May I find peace in the answers Christ gives me in his wounds.

In Jesus name I pray,


7 thoughts on “Prayer in times of doubt

    • O merciful Lord… look upon Theo with compassion… pour out your loving Spirit over him… let Theo know that you love him beyond all measure… may your grace enter Theo’s heart to free him and heal him… give him clarity and strength… let him seek you and trust in you and your will, O blessed Lord… may Christ be his Savior and Lord… in Jesus name, Amen.

      I will be praying for you Theo. God’s grace and blessings to you!

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