127 thoughts on “Prayer for when you feel you can’t go on

  1. Dear Lord Jesus Christ I ask you with every bit of my being to show me how to hand myself and all my fears phobia nerves anxiety. Over to you please dear lord her my cries I get so afraid. Please give me the courage to face this and get my life back. Show me how to get myself out of this mind set I have found myself in. Please forgive my weakness. Dear Lord Jesus Christ I am despetate to get back to the person I was. I feel totally trapped. Help all sick in mind and body give them and us peace calm .help us to find are happiness and enjoy life again
    Forgive us all our sins and have mercy on I beg you have mercy on us all. AMEN

  2. Dear Lord our God I meant my friends today they said I should go back to doctors. So aftet I left them I called there I explained medication not work. Cant get to see a doctor till end of Febuary and tried to get some counselling one is 8wks and the other third wk in February. Please dear god I wanted to be fully recovered for end of this yr to go and visit my disabled son in Melbourne as he lives alone he had been trying to two walk he has been on crutches now 9 yrs in July this yr. I ask you with my every being. Please heal may mental health of all fear anxiety depression and unwanted thoughts and feelings. I beg hear us help us.Dear Lord I feel so helpless. Give the courage strength and willpower to overcome and beat this cruel illness. Also all the people out there suffering in mind and body physically or mentally. I promise I will thank every day I have left in my life.Amen


  3. Dear Lotd I ask you today to hear my prayers I feel so nervous please heal me mind take away the terrible irrantional thoughts and feelsing thats going through my mind I beg you help give me the strenght and courage to face my inner fears and get my life back please help my soon you see him and me suffering. Here us help us we are deperate. Please god forgive ud all our sins. I love Jesus with my whole heart Amen

  4. Dear lord our god I am asking you to help me dont know which way to go anymore. Please I beg you to hear and help me I am so afraid I feel trapped and in a circle I cant get out of.Doctors not listening to me spoke to psychiatrist to tell him medication not working just told to have faith I have been taking it 8 mths now. I am waiting for conselling to see if that will help. I feel helpless my heart us broken in two I just feel I will never recover I feel for all the suffers out there I hope and pray they find peace of mind a d get there lives back. Dear Lord you can see us all please help.us get our lives back.Gillian

    • O blessed Lord… hear and accept Gillian’s prayer… pour out your grace over her… send your healing Spirit in abundance… give Gillian your peace… let her have confidence and clarity… guide her to seek you and trust you more and more every day… restore Gillian’s hope and strength… let her receive your Word for nourishment and comfort… transform Gillian’s hurt into everlasting joy, O loving Lord… in Jesus name, Amen.

      I am praying for you Gillian! Do not give up hope. Jesus is with you. He will never abandon you!

  5. Please pray for me I feel so down and just feel I cant go another year like this I have had medicate spoke to people prayed to god most days I worry about my son Dominic he lives alone in Australia we his parents live in uk. I just want to recover so I can go over to see him end of this yr. He has been on two ctutches just over 8 yrs now aftet a long illness. We spoke to him st wkend he was feeling down he had tried so many differnent treameants and there is nothing he is doing to try amd get mobile again. Our hearts are broken for him he is so brave. Please keep him in your daily prayers. Also me his mum that I will get better and be able to visit him end of this yr. Help all suffering in mind body physucally or mentally. God hear and answer our prayers we beg you.Amen

  6. Dear Vincent thank you for your prayers and kind words. I do have a professional doctor I have some medication not working that well They have givern me some new medication hasnt worked tryed it but not suiting.I do go to church on a regularly basis. I wont stop praying but sometimes its hard.Thank you again for your continued prayers and kind advice. Kind Regards Gillian

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