Prayer for more of God’s love

God’s love is always there for you. Still, you might not feel it or sense the presence of his love. But if you pray for God’s love (or to be more aware of it), it becomes more apparent in your life. Plus, it’s the best cure for all the things you want to improve about yourself.

Praying for God’s love might not be the most common type of prayer, but it should be. When you pray for his love, things take on a whole new perspective. Difficulty shrinks and peace in your heart grows.

One of the greatest things about God’s love is that it removes fear. When you know for sure that you are loved and forgiven, you feel secure. Jesus promises us eternal life. This is the promise of love. Trust and build your relationship with God on that promise. Then  go forth and share the love overflowing from your heart.

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Prayer for more of God's love

Audio message and prayer from Vincent:

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Beloved, let us love one another; for love is of God, and he who loves is born of God and knows God. He who does not love does not know God; for God is love. In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through him. 

1 John 4:7-9

There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and he who fears is not perfected in love. We love, because he first loved us.

1 John 4:18-19

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O loving Lord,

I’m far from perfect. Many parts of my character could be more pure, and things aren’t always how I want them to be.

One thing I know for sure, one thing I trust in, and count on with all my heart, is the power of God’s love.

So fill me, O Lord, with your grace and loving Spirit.

The best answer to all my problems and imperfections is more of you.

Pour yourself over me, O Lord. Cleanse and restore me. I ask for more of Christ in me to cast out the darkness, fear, hurt and shame.

Your love for me is infinite and all powerful.

I am a child of God.

My lips sings praises to your glory. In Christ, my soul soars free.

In Jesus name,


16 thoughts on “Prayer for more of God’s love

  1. God this is a special prayer for my god brother Jason calloway Jr he’s going through a lot I don’t know what the future is to hold for his girlfriend but I believe that you it needs to be a brand new chapter in his life I don’t want him and certain people in his life don’t want him to be able to be with her his girlfriend father of God I just asked of you to make his life a little bit better than what he has been experiencing father God I want him to be more of a better man than what he has been experiencing in his life I know that he has a lot of faith and I know that he has a lot of Hope but father of God give him salvation too in his life I know that sometimes in this world you can’t get lost problem of God I want him to be more of a man to walk away from his situations if she is bothering him if she is doing the most disrespectful things to him he needs to walk away he don’t need that in his life a woman that’s been disrespectful towards him just because she don’t know his whole entire life story and things of that nature yes they have a daughter together but father Lord God I don’t think and I don’t believe that they belongs together no father of God he needs a better woman in his life father of God bless him with a better woman in his life he needs better in his life father of God bless him I know it’s going to take some steps and measures and things that nature but father of God guide him love him put your arms around him let him know that you are God to him not only going to the grave site and seeing his daddy but father Lord God I want you to show him that you are God to him now I know that sometimes in this world we can play or be us in this world and try to be able to be you in some cases but in this case no he needs you more than anything in this world I want Jason to understand that you are God not just what he can do in this world father of God I know that sometimes we feel like you down here in this world yes we feel like that sometimes that you know we be going through the most and we don’t know what to do maybe sometimes you are busy that’s what we feel like sometimes but father little God I want you to physically emotionally mentally spiritually wrap your arms around him and let him know that you are God father Lord God you know make his life a little bit better than what he has been experiencing give him the tools give him better tools give him all of the tools that he needs so that way he can do what he been doing that is best for him and his daughter and the family he needs to do better than what he has been doing now I’m not saying that it’s right or it’s wrong but I just feel like that he needs more of you than anything in this world I don’t know what to say to a man that lost his father but all I can do and all I can say and all I can do and go to is you father Lord God make him a better man give him everything that what he wants needs and desires for make his heart strong make him be all that he can be with love and understanding he has words which is Faith and Hope but father Lord God can you give him also salvation physically emotionally mentally spiritually he is my god brother I love him very much and I don’t want him to feel like that nobody don’t love him because I do and everybody that knows him they really do love him more than anything in this world I want him to understand that love comes from your family not anybody out here in this world but love comes from family on the inside and out I don’t know what else to say but father of God I want you to continue to work on him and make him a better man than what is going on in this world I want him to be the more of a man than what he has been experiencing in this world and in his life father of God go to him and wrap your arms around him and let him know that you are God and you would do anything for him all he has to do is just ask you

    Father of God please bless little Jason calloway Jr he needs you more than anything in this world right now he really do and I know he do thank you for praying for him thank you for giving everything that he needs wants needs and desires for God bless him

    And sweet Jesus name I do pray amen amen amen hallelujah amen

    • Amen… I am praying for Jason Calloway Jr. now…

      Send your guidance, protection and blessings, O Lord… give Jason joy and peace… send your Spirit to Jason in abundance, O loving Lord…

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