Prayer for renewed strength

Feeling run down and tired? Maybe you have a lot of responsibilities, or you might be facing a crisis. Many times, the problem is mental fatigue. You’re tired of worrying and dealing with problems all the time. It’s even harder when a lot of the burden rests on your shoulders alone.

One great thing about faith in God is how he can turn the tables on any situation. He brings us help and relief when we least expect it.

Maybe even more amazing is how the Spirit of God renews us even before our situation changes. He gives us new energy and insight. In many cases, the right attitude alone makes a huge difference. Suddenly, distances seem shorter, and you figure things out will less stress. The Holy Spirit reveals things to you that you never saw before.

In the face of difficulty, living joyfully is a true miracle. So pray for the gift of seeing things from a heavenly perspective. Be renewed in the love of Christ.

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A message and prayer from Vincent:

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“You have heard; now see all this;
and will you not declare it?
From this time forth I make you hear new things,
hidden things which you have not known.

Isaiah 48:6

Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may prove what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Romans 12:2

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

2 Timothy 1:7

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Oh loving Lord, these are tough times I’m in. Walls close in, and it gets tight. So much to do. Many, many needs. I feel weak and weary.

Won’t you help me, once again?

Show me, oh Lord, a new way. Break down any structure that traps me. Cast out the liar that tells me, “You can’t.”

Open my mind to see with eyes of grace, the hidden shortcut, the open path.

Bring order, oh Lord. Thy Kingdom come.

Make my thoughts quick and nimble. Strengthen my arms to carry the heavy load.

And when I have to wait, let me wait, and rest in my beloved Savior, my Lord.

Alone it’s impossible, but upon the solid Rock I stand.

Strong, confident, I know who I am. God’s child, forgiven, forever free.

In Jesus Christ, in his holy name,


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6 thoughts on “Prayer for renewed strength

  1. yes,thats how our lives move,but no matter the situation we must keep holded in Gods hands.i love the post its so real,conforting and encouraging that we should always put our lives in his hands because he never forsakes.bongole jackson

  2. Yes to whom it may concern, I’m not certain if your supposed to pray for these things but I know as a Christian it speaks in the Bible ask and you shall receive knock and he will open it’s been 2 yrs and I went for a hearing on my disability back in August and I was denied so Technically its been longer I’m appealing it I’m asking for prayers please that I get approved it’s been a struggle for a long time now thank you so much

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