Prayer for acceptance

Here’s a prayer you can pray to help you accept difficult situations or persons. Maybe you don’t like what’s happening, but you might have no choice. Sometimes the only thing left to do is to ask God for a change of heart.

If you go to the Lord, he will reveal a deeper meaning. Trust in him to provide you with spiritual maturity and strength. Remember, your peace does not depend on people or circumstances. Instead, find true rest in God’s presence.

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Prayer for acceptance

We know that in everything God works for good with those who love him, who are called according to his purpose.

Romans 8:28

Count it all joy, my brethren, when you meet various trials, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.

James 1:2-4

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Dear loving God,

Sometimes things are Just too hard to take. Must I accept it all?

My life, my situations, my loved ones, even myself. It’s not how I hoped and dreamed things would be.

Show me the way, oh Lord ,to accept. What must I do?

First, I look to your Son, so innocent and full of grace.

He took it all upon him for me.

Can I accept this? Can I accept this gift from heaven?

If so, then I can accept anything.

For your Spirit lets me see with the eyes of Christ. Eyes full of patience, full of mercy, and full of love.

He knew you alone Lord, can change everything, All things are yours.

Let me be like Jesus, Lord. Let me be like your Son.

In his holy name,


4 thoughts on “Prayer for acceptance

  1. I pray that my daughters accept my boyfriend and that he’s able to visit me soon…I pray that they accept him and accept the fact that he makes me happy…I also pray that my boyfriend comes with an open heart and ready to love me and my kids and that he lets go of his past so we could live happily ever after and all this I pray in the name of Jesus Christ 💚🙏

  2. I Love the prayer you give hear they have help me so when I am at a lost of words and I can,t pray, what I am looking for a pray for identity so many people are going through so much not know who they are in Christian can you help with a prayer for this.?

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