Plenty to give

Are you facing a situation that causes you great suffering? Everyone deals with hurtful situations, but some are especially painful.

How do you deal with things that have hurt you for a long time? What do you do when someone you care about engages in self-destructive behavior? Maybe you’ve tried to talk to them. You’ve done everything you can, but things haven’t gotten better.

Even Jesus experienced what you are feeling. Even the Son of God faced limitations, just like every human being. Jesus had no control over the hearts and minds of others. And some of those closest to him made disastrous decisions.

None of that stopped our Lord from completing his mission. He continued forward with deep trust in his Father’s will. He continued to serve lovingly and faithfully. And the final result was glorious.

Let Jesus’ example show you the way. Follow him.

But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, to show that the transcendent power belongs to God and not to us. We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; always carrying in the body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our bodies. For while we live we are always being given up to death for Jesus’ sake, so that the life of Jesus may be manifested in our mortal flesh. So death is at work in us, but life in you.

2 Corinthians 4:7-12

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Plenty to give

The hard things. The tough times.

Sometimes it hurts so bad. The pain eases then returns.

And you wonder, how can I keep going?

You want to run away and hide. You wish it would all just go away.

For you have tried everything you can think of to make it better.

But what if you found a new way? What if a new path was revealed to you?

Consider the Lord. Consider his ways.

Even he could not control the hearts of others. Denied, betrayed, and abandoned by those closest to him.

But he didn’t take it personally. Resentment did not poison his heart. Instead, he transformed his sorrow into service. He embraced the hurt to bring forth the greatest good, the deepest joy.

Run away and hide if you want to. Ignore the pain. Or lean into it and carry your cross. Find new ways. Open up new spaces in your heart.

Wait upon the Lord. Unite with him.

Be fed and filled by the One that gives you eternal life.

Then discover you have plenty of life left to give.

Who will sing praises?

When you praise God everything changes. Why? Because in your praise to him you unleash your spiritual voice. You explore what it means to reach out and up to the Lord in a special way that is only found in praise.

When you praise God, obstacles come tumbling down. Great healing can occur. And you find yourself full of deep joy despite the trials and tribulations of this world.

Why not give it a try? Tell the Lord how great and good he is to you. Let him know how thankful you are for your life and for your faith. Reach out and up to him with your joyous praise.

My mouth will speak the praise of the Lord, and let all flesh bless his holy name for ever and ever.

Psalm 145:21

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Who will sing praises?

Who will sing praises to the Lord?

Those who have been broken and restored.

Even those who have been shattered into a million pieces. Yes, even they can sing praises to the Lord.

Who will sing praises to the Lord?

Those who have faced down their demons and even the fiercest attacks.

They too will sing praises to the Lord.

Who will sing praises to the Lord?

Those who have been shamed and ashamed. Those who have felt unclean and worthless.

Yes, even they will sing praises to him.

Who will sing praises to the Lord?

Those who have been stepped on and beaten down. Those who have been ridiculed and left out.

They too will sing great praises to the Lord.

All of them will raise their arms.

For they have been forgiven.

They have been washed clean.

They have received true sustenance.

They have come to know power of the love of the Lord.

Nothing and no one can stop their great song of praise and joy.

Let my love

Sometimes it seems like we struggle to love freely these days. Have we grown cold over the years? Are we too cautious with our love?

True love is decisive and courageous. It’s not foolish, but it doesn’t make calculations either. Somehow, true love just knows. It’s secure. It’s sure.

This kind of love comes from heaven. It comes from God. And his love enables us to love like he does. And God loves us with a human heart. He loves us with the heart of Jesus Christ.

I in them and thou in me, that they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that thou hast sent me and hast loved them even as thou hast loved me. 

John 17:23

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Let my love

Why do I hold back?

Why can’t my love be free?

Something must have happened. Some kind of hurt. Some kind of shame.

And so, I got cautious, wary, defensive. Scared. And I stopped loving freely.

Or maybe I’m not loving anyone at all.

But not you, O Lord. That’s not how You love.

You hold nothing back. You have no fear.

Your perfect love drives out all fear.

Let me love that way, O Lord. Let me love your way.

Let me not be afraid anymore.

Let my love be open, giving and wise.

I’m not interested in foolishness, but instead in life getting and life-giving love.

A strong love that thrives. A love that casts out doubt.

Let my love be like your love, O Lord.

A love that heals the hurt, and removes the shame, a love that sets me free.

For all those times

Are you living with constant regret? Do you frequently talk to yourself in a negative way? Sometimes the failures and mistakes we made overwhelm us. We might think there is no way out. But don’t worry, there is hope.

While we should claim responsibility for our errors, they don’t have to define us. Our past sins do not have to dictate to us how we live now and in the future.

God sent his Son to forgive us and set us free. This is the most incredible gift ever. It’s an exaggerated love that can transform lives and even entire families. And it is never, ever too late.

So begin again. Begin today. Go to the Lord humbly, and he will forgive you. You are not condemned. Instead, in Jesus Christ, you are loved beyond measure. You are a beloved child of God.

And he who sat upon the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.” Also he said, “Write this, for these words are trustworthy and true.”

Revelation 21:5

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For all those times

For all those times I wish I could have been there,

For all those calls and visits I never made,

For all the times I didn’t make it, when I could have helped, maybe even just a little bit… or even a lot.

I give it all up to you, my Lord.

For all those times I didn’t speak up or I wish I had said things a different way, only to realize later how I should have spoken,

I give up all those wasted words and words not said…

I give them all up to you, my Lord.

And for all those times I should have said, “I’m sorry,” but didn’t.

For all those times I hurt someone, knowingly or not, for all those times I let my pride get in the way…

I give it all up to you, O Lord.

For all those times that broke my heart, I give them up to you, my merciful Lord.

For only you can fill in the gaps.

You alone are sovereign.

You alone are the Lord.

And instead of living heartbroken, I will live thankfully.

For every time I didn’t make it or did it wrong, you were there to make it better.

Somehow, someway, only you make all things new.


Some might think divine providence is receiving great blessings from God, and this is partly true. His blessings might arrive in the form of a great opportunity or financial help. But God’s providence is much more profound than that.

God’s providence comes to its fullest expression when it is built on trust. If we place some kind of condition on his providence, then we miss the point.

Remember, God is the giver of life. He is sovereign over all creation. As we dig deeper into those truths, we can live more according to his providence. God’s providence isn’t magic or luck. Instead, it’s a process that involves the conquest of your heart.

Then, even in the most difficult situations, you don’t lose hope. You stay on track. And when you stumble, you rise up, as you rest in the palm of the hand of God.

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things shall be yours as well. Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Let the day’s own trouble be sufficient for the day.

Matthew 6:33-34

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Why do I always want to control things?

Why do I always want to have my way?

I think I know best. But you, O Lord, know better.

So I plan and I push hard.

I try to do it all on my own.

And when things don’t go my way,

I feel lonely, foolish and sad.

What if I seek you first above all things, O Lord?

What if I seek your Providence?

For Providence isn’t getting things easy.

Instead, it’s knowing you are my King and Creator.

And when I surrender to you, your will and your ways become my delight.

Then I can truly do my part.

I can plow forward with courage and confidence.

Not because I’m in control.

But rather, because I trust.

I see your signs and follow them.

Your Spirit leads my spirit.

My mind and body may grow weary.

My heart may feel troubled sometimes.

But I journey towards heaven.

My soul soars free.

Knowing I already have everything, always and

forever-more in the mercy of the Lord.

Beyond all limits

Is it hard for you to accept limits? Are you experiencing a frustrating situation right now?

Maybe it’s an unreasonable employer or someone else you work with. Or perhaps it’s someone in the family that frustrates you. You see the mistakes they make, and it brings out the worst in you.

Situations can also set limits on you that are hard to accept. Maybe you want to advance in your career or education, but things stand in your way. Or maybe in your church or community, you feel things could be much better, but you are powerless to do anything.

Some limits are unavoidable, so what can you do about them? Don’t let them drive you to bitterness and anger. Don’t let them make you react in ways you’ll regret later.

Learn how to navigate and accept your limitations with patience and wisdom. There is no point in driving yourself crazy over things you can’t change. There is a much better way. Let your faith be your guide.

He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”

Matthew 17:20

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Beyond all limits

Frustration gets the best of me.

My thoughts race. My mind cries out:

“This is all wrong. This is not how it should be.”

I hate this.

So, I get angry. Resentment boils up in me.

The devil loves to see me like this.

Angry. Arrogant. The proud know-it-all.

But the Spirit comes to me. He tells me:

Did you not know? Have you not heard?

In his hometown of Nazareth, he performed only a few miracles.

He did not stop Judas’ betrayal.

He did not stop Peter’s denial.

He did not stop the high priests condemning him.

Many left his side. They walked away.

He knows your anguish and frustration.

The Son of God had limits too.

And the hardest stop of all – the cross – even this he accepted, willingly, lovingly.

He knew beyond all limits, his Father was at work.

So he stayed faithful. He stayed true.

Learn from him. Trust in the Lord.

Come see the empty tomb and believe.

One day all limits will come crumbling down

– even the ones you keep in your heart.

So walk upon the waters of your frustration & fear.

In humility to God, all limits disappear.

Make my heart strong

We’ve all been beat up and knocked down at some point in our lives. Nobody lives pain free. But if we try to avoid pain at all costs, what happens? What happens when you are afraid to feel?

Nobody should seek meaningless suffering, but you can’t deny your reality either. And if the pain makes you close your heart, it can lead to an emotional or spiritual death.

When the hurt from this world gets the best of you, it’s time to return to the only place you can trust with your soul. Return to the Lord. He will lift you up and restore you. He will restore your heart.

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A new heart I will give you, and a new spirit I will put within you; and I will take out of your flesh the heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.

Ezekiel 36:26

Make my heart strong

The world can be so cruel and unkind.

Contradiction, betrayal, lies – yours and theirs.

Wounds appear upon your flesh, upon your soul.

Why, O Lord, why?

Your heart hurts.

It shuts down. It turns to stone.

You don’t want to hurt anymore.

But the cold, hard heart can’t feel.

The cold, hard heart can’t love.

What if your heart could be strong again?

What if you weren’t afraid to feel anymore?

What if you weren’t afraid to love?

The Lord Jesus Christ does this for you.

He gives his heart to you. It bleeds for you.

He loves you with a human heart.

It feels the pain. It suffers the wounds.

Just like yours.

But the heart of Christ is strong. Brave and faithful to the end. His loving heart conquers sin and death.

Take away my cold, hard heart, O Lord.

Give me a strong heart of flesh.

Give me the heart of Jesus.

Come what may, let me feel. Let me love.

Brave and faithful to the end.

My mess. God’s love.

We all make mistakes, but that might not make you feel any better when you do something wrong. When you mess up, you can experience a temptation to shut down. You might want to close your heart since it hurts to much.

Nobody likes admitting their mistakes. Nobody enjoys feeling pain. But if you open your heart and hurt to God, his love will restore you.

Do not be afraid. Trust in the goodness of God!

“Come now, let us settle the matter,”
    says the Lord.
“Though your sins are like scarlet,
    they shall be as white as snow;
though they are red as crimson,
    they shall be like wool.

Isaiah 1:18

My mess. God’s love.

O merciful Lord,

I wonder sometimes,

What makes me mess up?

What makes me do the things I don’t want to do?

I slip up, I say the wrong thing, I do myself wrong.

Why Lord? Why does this happen to me?

I feel so foolish sometimes.

Then I hurt others. And I hurt myself.

An empty sore space opens in my heart.

If anything good comes from my mistake, it must come from you.

Maybe my ego’s too big. Or maybe I’m not paying attention. Maybe I’m not listening to you when you tell me, “You don’t have to prove anything to me. I love you, my child. ”

So I give up my hurt and shame to you, O Lord.

You are my only hope here.

Enter that empty sore space in my heart.

Cleanse my wounds, heal my hurt.

I let my guard down. I lay aside my pride.

Come, Spirit of God, do your good work in me.

May I be humbled by your love.

May God’s goodness set me free.

Prayer to trust in the Lord

It’s easy to trust God when things are going good. But what happens when we face complications or uncertainty? What happens when you are being pushed to the limit due to family or financial problems? Or maybe someone you love is facing an illness.

In hard situations, it’s not uncommon for your trust in God to be shaken. You might wonder why you have to go through such tough times. Maybe you feel like your entire world is falling apart. Or maybe you even feel abandoned by God.

In the hardest moments, trust in God is essential. If we only have faith when things are going well, then we really don’t need faith. But when things get complicated, or even brutal, that’s when you have to stay closer than ever to God.

Cry out to him. Seek him. Things might not turn out exactly how you want, but the process will teach you to trust in the Lord no matter what. This will serve you for your entire life. You will grow in steadiness and wisdom. You will gain patience. And you will walk with your Lord, even through the fire, as you know heaven awaits you.

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“Behold, God is my salvation;
    I will trust, and will not be afraid;
for the Lord God is my strength and my song,
    and he has become my salvation.”

Isaiah 12:2

Prayer to trust in the Lord

O blessed Lord,

I can’t shake the doubt and worry. Obstacles rise up all around me. I have too much to do.

So I run around in circles even if it’s just in my mind. I feel trapped and choked.

Rise up, O Lord, rise up!

Cast out my doubts and fears. Silence the lies of the enemy that tell me I am lost and alone.

For the Lord is my strength and my energy. You are my stronghold, the Almighty in whom I trust.

So I return to you again. I return to your presence.

I know I am your child. I know I am beloved. I know I am blessed.

I will continue forward as the promises of God go before me.

May the obstacles in my life and in my mind come tumbling down.

I will trust in my Lord, my God.

In Jesus name,


Prayer for an important meeting

Do you have an important meeting coming up? It might be a family meeting. Or it might be work related. Maybe it could be a meeting at your church or with another important group. If you are nervous about it, then the meeting certainly has meaning for you.

You might be hoping for a specific outcome for the meeting, like landing a job or getting approval. Perhaps you have to deal with complicated people or situations as well.

The narrative inside your head might be very cluttered right now. So let God put things into order. Let him show you the proper perspective for it all. Yes, life is sometimes messy. The contradictions and disappointments in life can be hard to handle. And sometimes, we need to widen our perspective also.

But if you seek the Lord honestly and earnestly, everything changes — because you change. So prepare for that meeting. Saturate the moment with prayer. Then no matter what happens, you are ready.

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We know that in everything God works for good with those who love him, who are called according to his purpose.

Romans 8:28

Prayer for an important meeting

O mighty Lord,

Even though the world pulls me away, I stop here and now. I seek your presence.

Prepare me, O Lord.

Bring calm to my heart and clarity to my mind. Fill me with your Holy Spirit.

Let me know that no matter what happens, I am at peace with my God.

And from that place of security let me move forward with confidence.

May the meeting’s outcome be favorable to your eyes. Pour yourself out over all of us.

May I see with the eyes of Christ, hear with the ears of the Lord, and speak with the words of the Spirit.

Mold my desires, O blessed Lord. Let me want what you want.

Let me trust and believe that in all things, you are at work for my good.

In Jesus’ name,
