Prayer for simplicity

Do you want to simplify your life? One way is to see the value of the basic things that make a difference. Our big plans and projects can only take us so far if we don’t build them on something solid – the rock of Christ.

When we see God’s grace in the little things, then we truly have a heavenly perspective.

prayer for simplicity

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Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:6-7 

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6 thoughts on “Prayer for simplicity

  1. I pray to the Lord for guidance to find my way. To see the path. God has given me these gifts of creativity and artistic ability, but I’m afraid. I feel stuck and paralyzed with fear.
    I’ve been paralyed with fear
    for too long. I pray for guidance, dear Lord. Please God let me see the path I need to take to make the raw materials into something meaningful and joyful.

  2. Please send me a daily Prayers. I suffer from chronic pain and refuse to take the pain killers the Doctors have prescribed me. They make me sicker. I have also recently lost my Irish Twin Brother, and the only friend I have made here in Arizona has decided to not want to be involved in my life, he has Parents that are not doing well either and sence he lives in Orange California and his Parents are in San Diego his plate is fairly well full between his business and his parents. I have suffered from anxiety now for years,so when I found some of your prayers on Pinterest They have truly brought me Great Comfort. So I have signed up Twice Now for daily prayers from your website but I have not received them. I don’t know if I’m doing something wrong or what? I am trying my best to turn my life over to our Savior Jesus Christ and through natural exercises that help to relive my Pain. I Beg of you to send me daily prayers to help with the anixity of my broken heart and phiscal pain I suffer. Your prayers have brought me more comfort than anything else I have found. Please I ask of you through our savior Jesus Christ……..I have signed up Twice Now and have not received any. I don’t know if I am doing something wrong with the Singing up prosses?….. I am older so these phone’s are most of the time smarter than myself.But the few Prayers I have found have brought me more Love and Light to a Very Brocken Soul………..Thank You For your attention into this Matter…….Alice Larson……

    • Dear Alice – Thank you for reaching out to us, and I am so sorry to hear about your troubles. At the same time I’m so happy to hear that you look to Jesus for comfort. I apologize if it wasn’t clear on our site, but we don’t send daily prayers… but maybe we should. I am praying for you, as are others that come to this site. I’ll contact you by email soon. God bless you, sister. You are clearly God’s child.

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