Wait child

Feeling rushed or hurried about something? Is the pressure of life making you anxious?

Take the time to connect with the Lord. Let him give you clarity of thought and action. Let his Spirit prepare you. Then, when the time is right, you can move forward with confidence.

The Lord is good to those who wait for him,
    to the soul that seeks him.
It is good that one should wait quietly
    for the salvation of the Lord.

Lamentations 3:25-26

Wait child

The world tugs and pulls at me. It pressures me.

I get nervous. I want to hurry up fast.

And my impulse tempts me to fly ahead.

I know myself all too well.

And before I go too far, you call out to me.

You awaken a place in my heart, a place you made healthy and free.

A wise place, a sacred place, where your Spirit thrives in me.

And you gently tell me, “Wait child. Wait for me.”

Let me not get ahead of myself, O Lord.

Let me not get ahead of you, as if I could.

Let me remain in your strength and your peace.

Keep me centered, quiet, secure.

And then, when it is time to move, let my steps be in line with yours.

Let my pace make time with yours.

And may my spirit be in tune with yours.

For in the past, I wandered alone and got lost. But now I am never alone.

For my God goes with me all the days of my life.

All in your love for me. All in my love for you.

Life everlasting, O blessed Lord.

4 thoughts on “Wait child

  1. thanks for this post. Very relevant to me as I get worried n start to make plans independent of God. But we are nothing without God as He is the vine n we are the branches.

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