Prayer for an important meeting

Do you have an important meeting coming up? It might be a family meeting. Or it might be work related. Maybe it could be a meeting at your church or with another important group. If you are nervous about it, then the meeting certainly has meaning for you.

You might be hoping for a specific outcome for the meeting, like landing a job or getting approval. Perhaps you have to deal with complicated people or situations as well.

The narrative inside your head might be very cluttered right now. So let God put things into order. Let him show you the proper perspective for it all. Yes, life is sometimes messy. The contradictions and disappointments in life can be hard to handle. And sometimes, we need to widen our perspective also.

But if you seek the Lord honestly and earnestly, everything changes — because you change. So prepare for that meeting. Saturate the moment with prayer. Then no matter what happens, you are ready.

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We know that in everything God works for good with those who love him, who are called according to his purpose.

Romans 8:28

Prayer for an important meeting

O mighty Lord,

Even though the world pulls me away, I stop here and now. I seek your presence.

Prepare me, O Lord.

Bring calm to my heart and clarity to my mind. Fill me with your Holy Spirit.

Let me know that no matter what happens, I am at peace with my God.

And from that place of security let me move forward with confidence.

May the meeting’s outcome be favorable to your eyes. Pour yourself out over all of us.

May I see with the eyes of Christ, hear with the ears of the Lord, and speak with the words of the Spirit.

Mold my desires, O blessed Lord. Let me want what you want.

Let me trust and believe that in all things, you are at work for my good.

In Jesus’ name,


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